
PPG's Board of Directors oversees the development and execution of our strategy, and we have sound governance policies and practices to support our business and strategy. Our Board is an independent, experienced and diverse group of leaders with the skills necessary to carry out its functions as a governing body on behalf of PPG’s shareholders. PPG’s Corporate Governance Guidelines and the charters of the Board’s standing committees form the framework for governance of PPG at the Board level.

The company’s Corporate Governance Guidelines (PDF) outline the structure of governance of the company at the Board level. PPG’s Board of Directors maintains four standing committees, each comprised solely of independent, nonemployee members of the Board:

Board of Directors

PPG is governed by an 11-member Board of Directors, 10 of whom are not employees of the company. View PPG's Board of Directors. 

Executive and Operating Committees

PPG’s Executive Committee is comprised of Timothy M. Knavish, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer; Anne M. Foulkes, Senior Vice President and General Counsel; and Vincent J. Morales, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.

PPG's Operating Committee is comprised of the three members of the Executive Committee and other executive leaders representing corporate staff functions and various business segments across the company. View PPG's Operating Committee. 

El Comité de Auditoría garantiza la integridad de los estados financieros de la empresa y el cumplimiento de los requisitos legales y reglamentarios, y gestiona los auditores internos y externos de PPG. Ver carta (PDF).

El Comité de Gestión y Compensación del Capital Humano supervisa la remuneración de los funcionarios ejecutivos y directores, establece objetivos para la remuneración basada en incentivos para los funcionarios ejecutivos y revisa las estrategias de gestión del capital humano de la empresa. Ver carta (PDF).

El Comité de Nominaciones y Gobernanza supervisa la composición de la junta directiva de PPG, nomina miembros potenciales, revisa el desempeño de la junta y sus comités y revisa la estructura de gobierno corporativo de la empresa. Ver carta (PDF).

El Comité de Sostenibilidad e Innovación evalúa las capacidades de ciencia, tecnología e innovación de la empresa y revisa el medio ambiente, la salud, la seguridad, la gestión de productos y otras políticas, programas y prácticas de sostenibilidad. Ver carta (PDF).

You can read more about PPG’s corporate governance in the Proxy Statement for PPG’s Annual Meeting of Shareholders (available at