PPG Political Action Committee (PAC)
The mission of the PPG PAC is to engage with and educate candidates about PPG and its business, while providing PPG employees with an elevated voice to participate in and gain deeper insight into the political process.
All contributions made by the PPG PAC will promote the interests of the company and will be made without regard for the private political preferences of executives.
The PPG PAC is a voluntary, non-partisan, issues based and employee funded group that enables the company to participate in the political process. The PPG PAC, its management and its members adhere to all ethics and compliance rules and regulations when conducting themselves on behalf of the PAC. All efforts of the PPG PAC are compliant with the rules and regulations of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and state election agencies.
Executive Committee
The PPG PAC Executive Committee – which is comprised of senior members of the company and whose terms shall not exceed two years – has authority over the spending of PPG PAC dollars.

Mark Cancilla

Scott Rinehart

Amy Ericson

Christina Ventura
Key Issues
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
As “One PPG,” we take action to support efforts to create an equal and just society. We work to set an example for unity in our communities each day by leaning into our internal culture of respect, unity, inclusion and safety. The PPG PAC supports candidates who advance Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) initiatives in the workplace to create stronger communities and build upon PPG's purpose to protect and beautify the world.
Energy and Environment
Manufacturers depend on an affordable and reliable energy supply to remain competitive. PPG supports an energy strategy that embraces all forms of domestic energy production while expanding existing conservation and efficiency efforts. The United States should expand access to and diversify our domestic energy supply in order to meet current needs for affordable energy.
PPG leads the way in investing in energy efficiency and advancing sustainability efforts that positively affect our customers, industry and communities.
PPG supports investments that upgrade, expand and modernize our nation’s infrastructure system.
In order to remain competitive, manufacturers need updated and modern infrastructure networks. Aging roads and bridges are falling into disrepair, causing congestion and bottlenecks for the freight transportation network.
Regulatory Reform
PPG relies on a stable, balanced, and common-sense regulatory environment that sustains jobs and fuels business growth. Costly and duplicative regulations can hinder PPG’s growth.
According to the National Association of Manufacturers, federal regulation is estimated to cost more than $2 trillion annually. Dollars spent by manufacturers on costly and uneven regulatory compliance are dollars not spent on capital investment or hiring new employees.
Tax and Budget
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 was a significant achievement for PPG and U.S. manufacturers. The new law sets a lower tax rate for American businesses and families, spurs new investments domestically and improves overall U.S. business competitiveness.
PPG will continue to advocate for a tax climate that encourages innovation, spurs investment and creates jobs.
Modern manufacturing is innovative and technology driven. These innovations and technologies come together at PPG through our products, processes, tools, equipment, employees and customers.
PPG’s focus on technology issues includes advocacy on intellectual property, research and development, and attracting, training, and retaining top-flight engineers and skilled workers. Continued innovation in manufacturing depends on national technology policies that drive economic growth, productivity gains and job creation.
As a net exporter, PPG relies on trade to stay competitive in an increasingly interconnected global economy. According to the Small Business Administration, 95 percent of the world’s consumers live outside of the United States. Manufacturers like PPG need policies and trade agreements in place that expand our global reach in an increasingly interdependent economy.