PPG Foundation continues funding, support of NOBCChE

Carnegie Mellon University recently hosted the Charter 2 Collaborative Spring Conference for the National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE), which seeks to improve the representation of people of color in academia.

The Charter 2 Collaborative, comprised of faculty and students from eight institutions, offers an opportunity to establish community and academic career opportunities for its members, thus helping to achieve the overall mission of NOBCChE.

The PPG Foundation provided funding for the Charter 2 conference, as it is a longtime supporter of NOBCChE and its efforts.

“This is a great opportunity for the students to network and think about the future-ready, technology-focused career possibilities created through STEM education,” said David Bem, chief technology officer and vice president for PPG. “These students will be the future. Through the PPG Foundation, we're aligned with the NOBCChE's work to help the next generation of diverse students explore science-related fields and create connections that will lead to their success.”

Several representatives from PPG were involved in the conference and offered a professional development session with student attendees in hopes to excite these young people about the world of STEM and encourage them to move through academia at higher levels.

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