National Merit Scholarship 2020
PPG launched its scholarship program in partnership with the National Merit® Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) in 1956 as a way to recognize high school students for their hard work and achievements, as well as to support their pursuit of higher education.
Since then, the PPG Foundation has awarded more than 3,000 scholarships to students across the U.S. who are either children of PPG employees or who attend school in communities where PPG has a presence. All PPG Foundation scholarships span up to four years of undergraduate college study, or until undergraduate degree requirements are complete, whichever comes first.
The PPG Foundation Scholarship Program is administered through the National Merit Scholarship Program - the largest, independently financed competition for college undergraduate scholarships in the U.S. All aspects of the selection of winners of the PPG Foundation Scholarship Program and the administration of their awards are handled by NMSC. Scholarship winners are selected by NMSC based on the results of students’ Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT®) during their junior year of high school.
See the 2020 scholarship recipients below and click here (PDF) to learn more about the students.

Kate Adams*

Nandini Arya*

Keeling Baker

Connor Bird*

Marisa Bladecki*

Ian Borden*

Kayla Granito

Samantha Hepp

Megan Homison*

Margaret Jankowski*

Andrew Johnson*

Celine Khuu*

Amanda Koury*

Advika Kumar

Adeline Moore*

Saipriya Namasivayam

Benjamin Nelson*

Rushikesh Pande

Antony Yang

Zachary Zeigler*

Kevin Zheng
*Employee-Child Recipient
Additional 2020 winners not pictured above include Austin Barnes, Emma Hayes, and Nina Kisanga*. Congratulations to all of these outstanding scholars!
Click here (PDF) for the 2019 employee-child scholarship recipients.