At PPG, we believe that continuously improving your skills is key to professional success. This is the inspiration behind Directions 21 – a comprehensive set of training courses to help you become proficient regardless of what role you play in the automotive refinish or commercial transport industry.
Directions 21

Blue Level
Consists of two courses
Technicians are required to attend introduction to Deltron® GRS or Envirobase® High Performance or Delfleet® and Paint Technology to achieve Blue Level.
Bronze Level
Consists of two courses
Technicians are required to attend colour Adjustment One and Painting Plastics to achieve the Bronze Level. Technicians need to also have achieved Blue Level to attend.
Silver Level
Consists of two courses
Technicians are required to attend Advanced Deltron® GRS or Envirobase® High Performance or Delfleet® and Colour Adjustment Two. Technicians need to also have achieved Bronze Level to attend.
Gold Level
Consists of four courses
Technicians are required to attend Profitable Paint Shop, Smart Repair, Paint Troubleshooting and Waterborne Coatings. Technicians need to also have achieved Silver Level to attend.
Master Level
Consists of six courses
Technicians are required to attend Custom Finishes, Deltron® GRS or Envirobase® High Performance or Delfleet® advanced refresher course and all MVP courses. Technicians need to also have completed Gold Level Certification to attend.
MVP Level
Consists of four courses
The full series of MVP courses.