Did you know that buildings produce nearly 50% of global greenhouse gas emissions in the world and consume anywhere from 25% to 40% of energy usage - with demand growing exponentially?
Beat the Heat with PPG's Cool Coatings
With climate change concerns growing, it is not surprising that more sustainable, energy friendly solutions aimed at reducing carbon footprints are gaining traction among architects, builders and planners. One of the most promising developments over the last few decades are cool coating technologies.

How Cool Coatings Work
Cool coatings technologies incorporate infrared (IR)-reflective pigments.
As one of the three sources of light in the electromagnetic light spectrum, infrared rays account for about 45% of the sun's energy; ultraviolet (UV) and visible are the others.
IR-reflective pigments are microscopically configured to absorb the sun’s rays in the UV and visible spectrums, while they simultaneously reflect a significant portion of that heat energy in the near infrared (NIR) spectrum, the wavelengths just outside the visible range.
Compared to standard coatings, cool coatings have a higher degree of solar reflectance and improved thermal emittance, how quickly the substrate "sheds" sunlight and heat. The difference is significant.
A standard black pigment has a total solar reflectance (TSR) value of about 5%. But a black IR-reflective pigment reflects about 50% of infrared energy, increasing the TSR to the 25-30% range.
These coatings, commonly used on roofing, wall panels and other metal building components, lower building temperatures and reduce the energy demands needed for cooling.
Cooling is essential, but the ability of these pigments to withstand exposure and lasting durability are also critical. The specific chemistry of the IR pigments determines these properties.
While cool coatings are not new - PPG commercialized the metal industry's first cool coating back in 2001 - continuous advancements in pigment technologies have continued to drive up their value in terms of substrate protection, aesthetics and cooling performance.
While cooler, more comfortable buildings are important, these fade and chemical resistant IR-reflective pigments also help to preserve the structural integrity of the substrate by reducing corrosion, warping, thermal expansion and polymer degradation - protection that can extend the life cycle of the substrate.

Emma and Georgina Bloomberg Center at Cornell Tech
PPG's Cool Coatings Line-Up
Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time. The building industry is poised to make great strides in protecting people and the planet with more sustainable, more durable solutions and design practices.
As a global coatings leader committed to reducing water usage, waste, energy and greenhouse gas emissions across our operations, PPG is proud to play a part in these efforts through strategic initiatives and cutting-edge innovations: Duranar® Coil Coatings, a two-coat infrared-reflective system for aluminum and steel substrates applied with a roll coating application.
DURASTAR® ULTRA-COOL silicone-modified polyester (SMP) coatings provide exterior durability for agricultural, industrial, commercial and residential metal roofing and wall panels. DURANAR® VARI-COOL coil coatings are multi-coat systems that offer brilliant color shifts with angles and changing light due to special-effect pigment particles.