Obsolescence Notice – Delfleet® Evolution Product

The products listed below are scheduled to be discontinued once existing inventory is depleted. For additional information regarding products to be discontinued, please refer to the policies guide or contact your sales representative. Please click here to access blender formulas.

Code DescriptionSizeSuggested Replacement
F3501Indo Blue Tinter04F3501/01
F3504Trans Quindo Red Tinter04F3504/01
F3549Red Shade Blue Tinter04F3549/01
F3600Fine Bright Aluminum04F3600/01
FBC500FBC Blending Clear04See attached mixing formula 
FBCH500FBCH Blending Clear04See attached mixing formula 
FDGU500FDGU Blending Clear04See attached mixing formula 
F3478Chemical Resistant Activator-Very Slow01F3477
F3970WHUltra High Solids Primer – White01F3970
CFX-1000High Build Additive04CFX1972

The suggested replacements may or may not be direct offsets to the product code being discontinued. Please refer to the product data sheet for proper usage.

Products will continue to be sold until stock is depleted. Once stock has been depleted or the products have been discontinued, backorders will be cancelled, and customers should begin ordering the suggested replacement products.

If you have any questions, please contact our customer service department at 1-800-647-6050.