PPG Lexus 8Y0 Structural Blue Repair Process

PPG Lexus 8Y0 Structural Blue Repair Process

Structural Blue was developed by Lexus and VIAVI Solutions Inc. It's based on the coloration of the vibrant morpho butterfly, a species found in Central and South America. The butterfly appears blue in color but does not actually have blue scales in its wing surfaces. The blue color - which varies depending on the ambient light - is achieved through light interference.

PPG has introduced a training video to assist paint technicians with refinishing Lexus automobiles sporting the OEM's Structural Blue finish. The video has been produced to dispel the notion that complex colors require a complex refinish process. In fact, it's not difficult at all.

The color Structural Blue, code 8Y0 on a Lexus LC500, is a standard basecoat/clearcoat system. First, we thoroughly clean the part, fix the damage and then apply the primer surfacer. Prior to applying any basecoat, a sealer should be applied. Now look up the structural blue color in PaintManager XI; follow mix instructions and always check the viscosity. Dehydrate between basecoats. Now, mix and apply the clearcoat as directed in the product information sheet. And that's it!