Make polishing easier with these best practices!
While no painter wants to buff every job, oftentimes it is necessary to remove minor imperfections from a newly finished repair. While the buffing process can be a daunting task for some, the following tips can help make the job easier, more consistent and productive.
Clean between steps
- Cleaning between polishing steps is critical so as to not transfer polish to another step.
- Left over polish can fill in sand scratches making it appear as if your scratches have been removed.
- Cleaning with OneChoice® SX103 Multi-Prep™ surface cleaner or SWX350 H2O-So-Clean® waterborne pre-cleaner between polishing steps will let you clearly see if the sand scratches have been removed.
Keep the job area small to reduce cycle time
- De-nib to keep the area small and easy to manage, focusing on the small spot to be removed.
- Matching the OE texture is the goal. Avoid over polishing and sanding too flat.
Don't overload
- You might think 'more is better' but excessive compound and polish can build up in layers, filling and masking sand scratches.
- Buffing pads are designed to work best with minimal compound. Apply a small amount of compound to the pad and polish until there is none left before adding any more.
Keep pads clean
- Don't let your buff pads get caked with compound. At the end of each week, get into the habit of washing your buff pads in warm water, then leave them to dry over the weekend.
- Avoid contamination by keeping buffing pads and microfiber cloths for each step separate and in zip lock bags.
Work to a best-practice process
- While everyone may have their own tried and true buffing procedures, it's always best to follow the compound or polish manufacturers' recommendations.