A look back at five years of COLORFUL COMMUNITIES projects in Asia Pacific

Across the Asia Pacific (AP) region, COLORFUL COMMUNITIES® projects have transformed schools, community landmarks, hospitals and more over the past five years. According to project leaders throughout the region, each of the projects had a common outcome: uniting community members and PPG colleagues to improve the lives of others.

According to Vikas Chand Sharma, PPG, manager CSR, corporate communications & events, in India and Colorful Communities project leader, the program holds personal meaning.

“The Colorful Communities program is a beautiful concept that not only creates an enjoyable and exciting moment while volunteering, but also offers a chance to look around your communities and see how people are living their lives,” said Sharma. “For me, Colorful Communities projects are not only about painting a school or revitalizing a building, but more so about being conscious of challenges faced by the community and how we, as PPG, can create a sustainable solution.”

Read on for a question and answer session with Colorful Communities project leaders from various parts of the AP region to hear their stories of impact and reflection. Hear Sharma; Hunter Lee, director of corporate communications, community engagement and events, Asia Pacific; and Natassja Ford, Asia Pacific, learning consultant, Australia and New Zealand.

Q: What is your most memorable Colorful Communities project experience?
LEE:  PPG unveiled a huge mural in Changning District of Shanghai named Flowers & Doves, which was painted on the exterior walls of two six-story residential buildings. It was like PPG’s salute to the city of Shanghai. Volunteers felt very proud of being part of the contribution. You could tell your friends with pride when you walk by, “Look, it is PPG paint, and I was one of the painters.”

FORD: My first Colorful Communities project was the painting of murals at the Monash Children’s Hospital in 2015. This was my first year working at PPG and I was really excited to be joining a company that gave back to their local community. There was a great sense of comradery amongst the PPG employees who were involved in the event.

SHARMA: Every Colorful Communities project experience is unique in itself, however a 2019 project in Baluganj Agra, India was one of the most memorable experience for me so far. I remember the project for its unique challenges and how we successfully overcame them. We transformed a school's appearance in less than four hours by uniting 200 PPG Asian Paints volunteers from across India and PPG business leaders from PPG Asia Pacific. When I visited the school the next day to meet the children, the happiness and joy that I saw in their eyes was deeply gratifying.

Q: What are your favorite elements of the Colorful Communities program? 
LEE:  I most enjoy the changes we bring to schools in our communities, through our paint and teamwork. It’s remarkable how the program can bring colors and brightness to our communities, especially in underprivileged areas.

FORD: What stands out to me is the enthusiasm displayed. Everyone is excited to take part in Colorful Communities events, and no task is too big or too small. Our volunteers are happy to lend a hand for a great cause.

SHARMA: The Colorful Communities program provides an opportunity to work with many different people. I have witnessed how volunteering helps people shred their inhibitions and become more collaborative, not only at the project, but also later at the workplace.

Q: How has the Colorful Communities program impacted others in your community?
LEE:  It offers new colors, brightness, vitality and new life and environment.

FORD: The program signifies that PPG has an ongoing commitment to protecting and beautifying the communities in which we all live and work.

SHARMA: Near our Sriperumbudur (Chennai) Plant at Mambakkam Village, we painted a school in 2016. The project helped the school to attract and enrolled more students from the village. Over the last four years, we were not only able to help reduce the absenteeism/ dropout rate of the children, but the school’s performance improved as well.

Q: What is one word you would use to describe the Colorful Communities program? 
LEE: Legend

FORD: Inspirational

SHARMA: Collaboration

Learn more about the Colorful Communities program here.

The Colorful Communities program, PPG’s signature initiative for supporting communities, aims to protect and beautify the neighborhoods where PPG operates around the world. Through the Colorful Communities program, PPG’s committed volunteers contribute their time and PPG paint products to help transform community assets – from painting classrooms, to bringing color to a maternity ward and redesigning a playground. Since 2015, PPG has completed more than 330 Colorful Communities projects, impacting more than 6.7 million people in 41 countries. Click here to learn more.