PPG grant programs support Ukraine relief organizations

PPG in Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) recently awarded educational and Employee Volunteer Grants (EVGs) to nearly 50 relief organizations in Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. These countries, which are home to several PPG facilities, have welcomed millions of refugees since the war began. The contributions are part of our ongoing commitment to support Ukrainian refugees, as well as our many employees who are donating their time and talents to humanitarian efforts.

Providing educational opportunities to refugee children 

More than 40% of Ukrainian refugees are children fleeing the war with their mothers and at least 70% of them are between the ages of 3 and 14. Among other benefits, enrolling them in school gives their parents the opportunity to find work and begin to integrate into their new communities.

With this in mind, 15 educational humanitarian grants were donated to kindergartens, schools, charities and government entities to help them expand their educational infrastructure. The funds enabled the groups to equip new classrooms with furniture and school supplies; purchase tablets, smartboards and other technology; compensate childcare providers experiencing explosive growth in after-school care; organize field trips to acquaint children with their new surroundings; and much more.

“Since March, we have been dealing with waves of Ukrainian children arriving from war zones," said Jana Foltýnová, director of a Merhautova school in Brno, Czech Republic. “We welcomed and integrated 80 Ukrainian children during the first wave, and created a Ukrainian classroom for 25 students. Support from PPG helped us fund new teachers, equip our classrooms and purchase technology equipment. We are very grateful."

One of the educational grants was awarded to Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Spolecznej  Ad Astram w Debicy in Debica, Poland, home to a PPG Tikkurila facility. The funds helped the organization buy and distribute 100 fully equipped school backpacks; purchase equipment for three clubs that help connect and integrate Polish and Ukrainian youth; and provide language instruction, meals, psychological care and other support for Ukrainian children in Polish schools.

Supporting employees as they support refugees 

PPG also awarded Employee Volunteer Grants to more than 30 charities and governmental entities where PPG employees have or continue to actively volunteer in relief efforts. Funding has enabled the organizations to provide refugees with food, safe shelter and basic necessities; legal, counseling, job placement and other services; medical and dental care; language instruction; and more.

Jolanta Ficoń, junior research specialist, Industrial Coatings, Cieszyn, volunteers with local aid organizations and applied for EVG grants to help the organizations reach more refugees.

“Thanks to PPG's financial support, we organized humanitarian transports of medicine and basic necessities, and prepared shelter for orphans and those with disabilities," said she said. “It showed the people of Ukraine that they can count on us. Thank you very much for the support."