Hardware and Software System Support

Software Usage
Hardware and Software System Support
No, it does not. The RapidMatch® XI spectrophotometer Home Base, Part number PPG89HB, must be ordered separately.
The RapidMatch® XI spectrophotometer is only compatible with the new PaintManager® XI software.
Replacement batteries are not available through PPG. Contact X-Rite customer support and identify yourself as being from PPG and seeking assistance for the RapidMatch® XI spectrophotometer. X-Rite can be contacted by phone at 888-826-3042.
When connected via Wi-Fi or USB PaintManager® XI software will automatically download the readings from the RapidMatch® XI spectrophotometer.
For Internet Update users, the library is updated daily as new matches become available through PPG labs. For USB users, the library will be updated once per year.
Continually improving processes to provide increasing productivity and better color match delivery are important to any electronic formula retrieval system. Some of the improved system benefits include:
Software Usage
Yes, it can. The RapidMatch® XI device will assess a tri-coat and in conjunction with the PaintManager® XI software, it provides Search - Rate results.
Ensure the panel you are measuring is free of scratches and any debris. Presence of surface artifacts will cause the device and software to possibly generate incorrect information.
Yes, the user can override this selection. To streamline processes and provide some automation in the system, the intuitiveness of an eleven angle device combined with our science allows an automatic detection if the target color is a mica / metallic or solid. The user no longer has to input this information to the system prior to search.
Our studies and numerous field trial results proved the following set of Match Rating guidelines to assist the refinisher in their decision making process.
Match Rating of 5 or less: Blendable for Solid colors
Match Rating between 0 and 10: Blendable for Metallic and Pearl colors
Match Rating between 11 and 20: Check with visual reference (spray out or chip)
Match Rating greater than 20: Tinting may be required
The Match Rating is a scientifically developed algorithm that utilizes the color information or reflectance data obtained from the spectrophotometer. A comparison is made between the vehicle Target color and the color database. The lower the Match Rating, the better likelihood to retrieve a blendable formula for the vehicle repair. When the Match Rating is 10 or less, the visual indicator will be GREEN. When greater than 10, the user should check the formula via a spray out or variant chip if available. The Match Rating is still the first and most reliable indicator when making a color match decision.
Yes, if a match is returned that has a match rating that is outside of the blendable range (11 or higher for metallic, 6 or higher for solids) you will have the opportunity to adjust the formula.
If the Adjust Button is "grayed out," the best formulas have already been provided to the user.
The RapidMatch® device continues to serve the automotive repair industry with advanced optics and five angle measurement capability assured to characterize the most difficult OE coatings. Since PPG has the most advanced database of eleven angle color data, we have developed advanced algorithms to not only find the best color but also provide the user with information on texture.
By comparing five angles of color and lightness/darkness data, the system can indicate if the car and the selected formula have similar texture [OK], coarser [C] or finer [F].
OK - Texture is Similar to the Target
C - Texture is Coarser than the Target
F - Texture is Finer than the Target
It is important to ensure that the downloaded information file is properly identified with the correct OEM code information. An incorrect data entry could cause the Match Rating results to be high.
When the Match Rating (MR) is 10 or less (Blendable / GREEN) and the Effect Coarsness (EC) is similar to the Target, a GREEN OK will show on the results screen. At a glance, the user can be assured to go with GREEN, GREEN, GO (Green "Match Rating" and Green "OK") confidence when selecting the best match for the repair. There will be times when the suggested database formula is either Finer or Coarse when compared to the Target - in those situations the yellow indicator will be present.
When the Match Rating is greater than 10 (Check / YELLOW), the Texture will be included, but no color indicators will be available. A visual check is always recommended prior to mixing and repairing the vehicle.