2023 Asia-Pacific Projects

Guizhou, China
We partnered with Chevrolet to renovation a school‘s campus and even played a football game with the students.

Huangshan City, China
Inspired by local influences, this project was designed with a variety of themed patterns based on the architectural characteristics of Linhe Village.

Ichida-cho, Toyokawa City, Japan
Different species of Japanese native wildlife were painted in PPG colors and came to life on the exterior wall at Akatsukayama Park, echoing the natural scenery of the park.

Gujarat, India
Rejuvenating a government primary school for nearly 430 girls, over 80 employee volunteers from PPG Asian Paints joined together and applied fresh wall colors and murals.

Moraiya, India
Volunteers completed a project at a local school to create an inspiring space for young students.