Believing that excellence in business and high ethical standards go hand in hand, PPG is committed to:
Global Code of Ethics

- Furnishing goods and services that meet our customers' and society's needs;
- Providing employees with a safe, healthy and fulfilling work environment;
- Affording our shareholders a superior return on investment; and
- Contributing as a good corporate citizen to each nation and community in which we operate.
Because PPG's reputation rests not only on our ability to be a provider of quality goods and services, but also on our integrity and high ethical standards, the PPG Global Code of Ethics sets forth the principles that apply to all PPG people, everywhere and in every circumstance.
Information on PPG’s various ethics policies, including the Trade Compliance Policy, is contained in the Global Code of Ethics.
Global Code of Ethics - Digital Version
Reporting Violations
To report any illegal action or ethics violations, or a) any suspected violations of any U.S. export control laws or regulations, b) PPG’s export compliance policies, controls or procedures, or c) PPG’s Global Code of Ethics related to PPG’s export compliance policies, controls or procedures, contact the PPG Ethics Helpline or Chief Compliance Officer directly.
Export Compliance Alert
PPG Ethics Helpline
PPG provides a “helpline service to its employees as an additional resource for reporting ethical concerns, policy questions or general compliance concerns. The helpline service is managed by an independent, third-party firm with representatives who are trained to listen carefully, ask questions and document the situation accurately - and anonymously. Callers are asked to provide a complete account of their concerns so that thorough investigations can be made.
This helpline is also available to third parties – customers, suppliers, anyone – to report illegal actions or ethics violations by PPG employees. To report an ethical question or concern, please email PPG’s Chief Compliance Officer directly, report an incident online, or call the Ethics Helpline provided in the HELPLINE TELEPHONE DIRECTORY.
However, you make your report, remember that it is against PPG policy to retaliate against anyone for making a good-faith report of a violation of law or the Code. Also, all reports are taken in strict confidence and if you request, PPG will make every effort to maintain the anonymity of anyone disclosing such information.
Regardless of who receives your report, they are responsible for ensuring that it is handled properly and that you are treated fairly in the process.
As a global company, PPG is required to comply with a number of laws and regulations in order to lawfully conduct its business. Critical among these laws and regulations are those governing bribery and corruption. PPG’s Global Anti-Corruption Policy reflects PPG’s commitment to conform to these important laws and regulations and reaffirms our intention to always act honestly and ethically in all of our business dealings.
PPG Global Anti-Corruption Policy
231 Model (Italian Legislative Decree 231 of 2001) | Modello 231 (Decreto Legislativo Decree 231 del 2001)
Consult the 231 Model adopted by the PPG Italian companies. Per consultare il Modello 231 adottato dalle società italiane di PPG ed il Codice Generale di Etica di PPG Industries, Italian Legislative Decree 231 of 2001clicca qui.