Over the past week, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians left their homes with little more than the clothes on their backs. To support the urgent needs and extreme hardships of the developing refugee crisis, PPG has committed to humanitarian relief, as well as longer-term recovery support.
PPG supports humanitarian aid for Ukrainian refugees

The refugee crisis continues to worsen, causing enormous suffering and severe consequences throughout the region. To address immediate, essential needs of refugees arriving in countries where PPG has a presence, our commitment includes:
- Funding to relief organizations addressing immediate, essential needs:
- Polska Akcja Humanitarna, a relief organization in Poland offering food and other forms of support to those arriving from Ukraine.
- International Committee of the Red Cross, a long-standing PPG disaster relief partner providing emergency supplies.
- People in Need, an organization headquartered in Czechia with a presence in Ukraine since 2003, providing humanitarian aid for basic needs such as food and hygiene items and supporting countries experiencing an influx of Ukrainian refugees.
- Employee donations match: PPG and the PPG Foundation will match personal contributions of PPG employees to charities dedicated to providing humanitarian support to Ukrainian refugees.
- In-kind donations: As emerging needs are realized over the coming weeks and months, we commit to providing product donations to local organizations.
“In times of crisis, we fulfill our company’s purpose to protect and beautify the world by helping our nonprofit partners adapt to emerging challenges and provide immediate responses,” said Malesia Dunn, executive director, PPG Foundation and corporate global social responsibility. “We are committed to supporting these organizations who are providing direct emergency aid.”