Leading in Automotive Color

Insights from PPG’s annual global color forecast provide the foundation for the automotive color forecast that the industry embraces with such enthusiasm each year. Our study is unique among competitors due to its scope.
As a color leader in multiple industries, we are strategically positioned to observe color trends in fields such as aerospace, architecture, consumer electronics, home decor and industrial design, and to predict how those trends will ultimately influence automotive color, years in advance.
Putting our color brilliance to work for you
Our global presence also enables us to calculate additional factors into our automotive color forecasts, including consumer mindsets, wellness preferences and other color-influencing dynamics that span cultures, countries, continents and industries.
The quality and depth of this information, combined with our scientific knowledge of color and how it behaves on different shapes and surfaces—as well as our technical ability to formulate innovative color technologies—distinguishes us from competitors. Even more crucially, this knowledge dramatically enhances our ability to collaborate with automotive designers to create distinctive, individuated color palettes that can be differentiated by brand, model, application, marketplace and vehicle type.
Meet our color stylists
At PPG, every one of our color stylists has a specific focus and concentrated area of expertise; yet they work together as one team to deliver what many consider to be the world’s most comprehensive, well-informed and influential color forecasts for the global automotive industry, as well as many other industrial and consumer-facing markets.
Technical innovation to stay ahead
More than 60% of consumers say that vehicle color is a major factor in their car-buying decisions. While that statistic alone dramatizes the importance of color and coatings in automotive design, two emerging trends are heightening their importance: electric vehicles and autonomous driving.
For decades, we have led the way in developing coatings that serve the dual purpose of making cars more beautiful and more resistant to corrosion, ultraviolet (UV) light and other environmental hazards.
We’re setting new standards for coatings performance and functionality. Driven by an emerging generation of advanced technologies, our automotive coatings are now enabling vehicles to interact with radar sensors to drive themselves, to conduct electricity to power themselves, and to be finished with antimicrobial coatings to disinfect themselves.
In era that rewards the ability to transform, both in terms of how automobiles look and how they perform, PPG is uniquely equipped to help automakers achieve their most promising futures.