Legacy Internet Update Support

Any PPG products user currently utilizing PaintManager software and has a high-speed Internet connection can register for Internet Update. For more information, see our Internet Update overview.
The CTS or Customer Tracking System number is a set of unique numbers associated with your location. Your CTS number is included on the mailing label of the PaintManager software CD or Repaint Reporter publication. For assistance in retrieving your CTS number, call your customer service representative.
The Internet Update utility provides a two-way exchange of information. On a routine basis, PPG will provide product and pricing information as well as new color formulas to the end user and collect data from the shop or Distributor computer. To ensure the highest level of confidentiality in this exchange, the signature of the business owner or manager at each installation location is required to confirm consent. To simplify the process, an electronic signature is acceptable.
PPG is continually seeking to improve color. Collected information will focus on the color selection and mixing processes, in addition to product usage. This data helps PPG evaluate itself and refine business and paint processes for our customers.
No. Only one registration of Internet Update is required per location. The final step of the registration process generates a unique Personal Identification Number (PIN). The PIN and the location’s CTS number are the only requirements to download the Internet Update utility.
Yes. Once you register for the Internet Update program, you will no longer receive PaintManager software CDs in the mail. If you need specific hardware drivers that are typically available on the CD, go to the PaintManager software Support page to download all hardware drivers needed to maintain your software system.
The annual software support fee covers the development and delivery of new PaintManager software features and functionality. That's in addition to the ongoing e-mail, phone, remote and onsite field help needed to ensure our users are fully operational at all times. With the ability to receive monthly program and data updates (12 per year), our customer service teams will be prepared to interface with our end users on a more frequent basis.
As a special incentive, support fee charges for customers who actively register and participate in the Internet Update program will be reduced from $300 to $100 upon their renewal date.
To access your PaintManager software subscription renewal dates, log into this website and go to PPG’s Online Ordering Services. Go to Subscriptions / Software Maintenance. Distributor locations and collision shops are listed with their PaintManager software subscriptions and renewal month.
No. Reproducing PPG's color information is a violation of the PaintManager software Lease/License Agreement. Any location requiring more frequent color updates and the most up-to-date software functionality should consider establishing a high-speed Internet connection for their PaintManager software computer.
A high-speed Internet or "high data access" connection refers to any type of Internet connection that is always available and is not a standard dial-up connection. Most cable, DSL, Satellite or Wireless Internet providers offer the popular methods for achieving fast Internet access.
For the Internet Update utility to function, the computer operating the PaintManager software MUST have access to the Internet—either directly or via a network. The computer should reside outside the mix room and be contained within a standard cabinet to prevent dirt and other debris from effecting its performance (see Simple Network Reference Guide). For assistance installing Internet Update on a Simple Network Client for the PaintManager Report Viewer feature, see our step-by-step guide.
There are several options you can take to protect your computer from viruses and malware while connected to the Internet. Refer to the Recommended PC Security Actions brief for suggested steps to protect your system.
Yes. Keeping the computer powered will allow the update to take place at the designated date and time. That is why it is important to keep the Internet Update utility open (minimize in system tray. It is recommended that the user exit the PaintManager software at the end of each business day so the updates can run effectively. The computer MUST be ON and running during the update period.
No. The PaintManager program MUST NOT be open or running during the information transfer. For the Internet Update utility to function, the computer must be powered on and the Internet Update utility running but minimized.
Your current PaintManager program CD has a feature that will automatically shut down the software program at a specified time. This will allow your Internet Update application to run and provide you with the most up-to-date color formulas and program updates. The user simply needs to start the PaintManager program the next day.
Yes. The Internet Update program installed on the computer is all that is needed to be open or running while the information transfer takes place. The PaintManager program MUST be closed and not running during the information transfer. Get into the habit of minimizing the Internet Update application.
Connection speed is influenced by your provider, location and time of day. For best results, your Internet Update utility should be configured to perform the data transfer after typical working hours.
Yes. Antivirus software is highly recommended for any computer that is connected to the Internet. Select a software package that provides virus protection and the ability to scan files and remove infections. Refer to the Recommended Tools to Facilitate Network Connectivity document for suggested steps to protect your system.
The Internet Update utility can be set up to operate on a weekly (highly recommended) or monthly schedule. The user can control the specific day and frequency. To learn more about the configurable options, please view the Internet Update User Guide.
The main screen of the Internet Update utility will post the results of the most recent update. For more information, refer to the Internet Update User Guide.
As with PaintManager software updates, new color formulas, products, and pricing are key components of the data transfer. The Internet Update utility will also provide software upgrades in features and functionality, when available. This process will also upgrade the Internet Update utility as well. For more information, refer to the Internet Update User Guide.
No. The PIN is generated during the registration process and is used only one time during the configuration of the Internet Update utility. Only one PIN is needed and can be used in combination with the location's CTS number.
No. A fully functional Internet Update utility is all that is needed to have the most current program, color and product information.
No. The Internet Update utility is designed to supplement the PaintManager color retrieval software only. It will update all relevant information and functionality to allow formula retrieval, mixing and reporting capabilities.
Country | United States | Canada |
Email Address | reftechserv@ppg.com | refinishcustomerservice@ppg.com |
Contact Number | 1-800-647-6050 | 1-888-310-4762 |
For Internet Update program and functionality questions, contact the PPG Computer Support Helpdesk at 1-800-647-6050.