- If painting products are swallowed, do not induce vomiting
- In case of skin contact, remove promptly by wiping, followed by waterless hand cleaner and soap and water
- In case of eye contact, flush eyes immediately with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes and seek immediate medical attention
- If affected by inhalation of vapor or spray mist, remove to fresh air. Apply artificial respiration and other support methods as required
First Aid

Poison Control Hotline 412-434-4515
Select Option 1 for Medical Assistance
Contact a Poison Control Center, Emergency Room or Physician immediately if any of the following occur during or following use of paint products:
- Ingestion
- Excessive exposure to corrosive material
- Persistent skin/eye irritation or breathing difficulties
- Other symptoms
Make sure to have product label or MSDS readily available.
In all instances, medical and product information can be obtained through PPG. If you have a poisoning emergency contact your provincial poison centre by telephone immediately. Ontario 1-800-268-9017. For other provinces, visit www.capcc.ca.
If the victim is unconscious, not breathing, or having a seizure, call 911.