This standard operating procedure (SOP) covers the process for successfully blending a basecoat using a waterborne finish. Before beginning any repair, it is important to always wear the recommended safety protection required for the job.
PD-0706WB: Basecoat Blending - Waterborne

Step-by-Step Instructions
- Identify color formula. Select a color chip that provides an acceptable, blendable match. If an acceptable color chip is not available, prepare a sprayout card according to PD-0632.
- Verify all panels to be painted have been prepared according to PD-0150WB.
- A. Color may be applied over correctly sanded G1-G7 or SG01-SG07 primer surfacer. Refer to selected basecoat system Product Data Sheet for sanding of substrate recommendations.
B. Follow PD-0701 for primer sealer application. - A. Apply 2 to 3 basecoat layers or the amount of layers determined by spray out card created in Step 1 above. Thoroughly dehydrate between each layer.
B. Blending of the color may be performed outward or inward depending on technician preference, with a slight arcing motion.
C. Apply control coat(s) determined by spray out card when necessary for color alignment. Blend with slight arcing motion. NO WRIST FLICKING!
D. An optional blend mixture may be used as a “wet bed” to assist in the blending process. Refer to selected basecoat system Product Data Sheet for instructions. - Due to the color palette of OEM translucent and special effect colors, allow a minimum 12 inches for basecoat and minimum 24 inches for tri-coat and quad-coat colors for allowance of a blend field area from adjacent panels.